Promoting Healing Through Ancient Wisdom

Unleashing your innate healing power with holistic, patient-focused care

Acupuncture Care & History

with Naomi Brebes

Naomi Brebes is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Birth Doula, and Certified Massage Therapist  from San Luis Obispo, CA. She is board certified by the NCCAOM and licensed by the state of California. She earned her Masters degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Five Branches University in Santa Cruz. She is also a trained Birth Doula through DONA International.

Naomi has been studying health, nutrition, and the healing arts for over twenty five years. She has extensive training in pregnancy, pediatrics, herbal medicine, as well as pain disorders. Naomi has great interest in assisting her patients with empowering themselves to improve their health by bringing balance to their body.  Naomi loves to stay active with her love of dance, yoga, and ocean sports. She is enjoying the adventures of life on the central coast with her four children and family.

Julie Mellor

Reiki Practitioner

Julie Mellor has been learning and practicing healing modalities since an early age with her beloved grandfather as her first and primary mentor. She has dedicated herself to spirituality throughout her life learning from an array of healing teachers across multiple lineages and cultures.

Julie’s intention through developing these practices has always been to assist others blossom into their best along their soul journey, similarly to how she has used their teachings on her own path. Julie is a lover of nature, spirit and humanity. In addition to teaching, artwork is how she has expressed her connection to the divine up to this point in her life. Astrology and kundalini yoga are also important pillars in her personal practices of development, that enable her to ground, deepen, balance and expand towards integrating all her energy fields.

Recently Julie has dedicated herself to becoming a quantum healing facilitator through energy work. She offers Access Consciousness Bars, Plasmatic Chromotherapy and Sound Healing in addition to being a Holy Fire III Reiki Master Practitioner, tailoring her sessions to better attend each one of her clients. She is also ICRT - Animal Reiki Certified and can attend virtually or personally to your beloved pets. She looks forward to experiencing what energy work can do for you.

Jami Micaela

Reiki Practitioner

Jami Micaela reincarnated on Earth at this time to reconvene with energies of [what some may resonate with as] The New Earth, The 5D, Heaven on Earth, or Taste of Infinity. Jami’s highest honor is to assist others in untethering from fate and stepping into their destinies - for the betterment of themselves, their communities, and ALL that is. 

Jami is a graduate of Sky Spirit Shamans, a traveler of the Inca Medicine Wheel honored by Munay-Ki Rites, a Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master, a Certified Holy Fire Karuna Master, and a devotee of Shamanic Healing, Stargate Meditation and Life Coaching.

Andrew Roof

Registered Yoga Teacher

Andrew is a Qi Gong and Yoga Teacher as well as a Feng Shui Practitioner with over twenty years of experience in the healing arts. His Qi Gong training started over a decade ago when he discovered the practice at a branch of the Shaolin Temple in his hometown of Chicago. Learning directly under the supervision of master martial artists gave him his first experience of the power of Qi Gong practice to calm the mind and strengthen the body from the inside out.

Inspired by his daily practice of the internal martial arts, Andrew is excited to share this training with anyone looking to support their spiritual and bodily health with concentrated relaxation and flowing energetic movements. Drawing from the Shaolin as well as Taoist traditions, Andrew's dynamic classes will leave you feeling calm, centered and energized. 

Tessa Lambert

Tessa Lambert provides holistic nutrition and health coaching that encompasses every facet of well-being. With a BS in Nutrition Science from Cal Poly SLO and certification as a Nutrition and Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, she integrates all the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health.

Get Aligned

Whether you seek relief from physical pain, support for women's health, support for your children, or simply a journey towards inner alignment, Naomi is dedicated to guiding you on a path of healing and self-discovery. Embrace the transformative power of these ancient practices and experience a profound sense of well-being under the care of a seasoned acupuncturist and holistic healer.

Treating The Whole person

In Naomi Brebes's practice, the emphasis goes beyond treating symptoms; it's about understanding the root causes of imbalance and fostering a deep connection with one's inner self. By combining acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, functional medicine, lifestyle changes,  movement, diet and massage, she creates a comprehensive approach to healing that addresses the body, mind, and spirit. We support the body's innate intelligence to heal itself.

Our Dedication to Wellness

At Aligned Acupuncture and Wellness Spa, we view our patients as whole individuals, not just a set of symptoms. Our deep commitment is to help everyone achieve balance, wellness and a vibrant, pain-free life.

Let's Begin Your Wellness Journey

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Embark on your path to wellness by booking an appointment through our online scheduling system. If you have questions or need more information, don't hesitate to visit our contact page. Alternatively, feel free to fill out the contact form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.